
The halophyte Limonium stocksii (Boiss) Kuntze belongs to the family Plumbaginaceae. In the present work, pharmacognostic studies of this medicinal halophyte was attempted which included physicochemical, phytochemical, macroscopic, microscopic studies and organoleptic evaluation. The plant powder characteristics were also elucidated. The physicochemical analyses were done by using WHO recommended parameters such as loss on drying, ash values (total ash, water soluble ash, acid insoluble ash, sulphated ash, carbonated ash, nitrated ash), extractive values. The qualitative phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of saponins, steroids and coumarins in maximum amount in crude as well as in various solvent extracts. The morphological studies exhibited the organoleptic and surface characteristics of the plant and its parts. The microscopic study showed the presence of various characteristics of whole plant like palisade tissue, metaxylem, protoxylem, phloem showed companion cells, bicollateral type of vascular bundles, parenchyma, rosette calcium oxalate crystals and paracytic stomata. The pharmacognostic characters enlisted in this study will help in identification of the crude drug; the standardization parameters laid down will ensure the efficacy of drug and also distinguish the drug from its adulterants. The distinguishing characters will also be helpful for the preparation of monograph of this halophytic plant.

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