
Wine coffee is coffee products which is produced through a natural coffee processing process which is modified with a longer fermentation process. Currently, the coffee wine processing in the Gayo highlands of Aceh is very popular because it has a fairly high selling price, reaching two to three times higher than regular coffee. This research aims to analyze the physicochemical and sensory properties of three types of wine coffees consisting of soft, hard and black wine coffee which are distinguished by their process based on the length of fermentation. Wine coffee with longer fermentation time has a darker color, sour smell and lower pH. The colour of wine coffee is range from yellowish to brownish. These wine coffees has water content ranges from 10.33-11.67% (meets the standard) and a slightly sour to sour smell with a pH range of 4.65-4.87. The wine coffee flavor scale ranges from 6.5 (good)-7.75 (very good) with a cupping score below the specialty coffee score. The fermented taste attributes detected in wine coffee were winey, overripe, vinegar, citrusy and sourly. The winey character that is often associated with wine coffee is found with moderate to high intensity. In particular, overripe, vinegar and sourly characters have a higher intensity in soft and strong wine coffee than black wine coffee.

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