
Water contains impurities depending upon its source of water. The physical and chemical impurities impart odour, colour and turbidity. Taste and odour may also be caused by dissolved organic matter or by microorganisms such as algae. Colour is generally due to the presence of colloidally dispersed organic matter or because of compounds like iron oxide. Odour is caused by the suspended or colloidal matter. Bacteriological impurities are caused by pathogenic bacteria such as E coli and typhoid bacillus. In the present work ground water samples are collected from various places in Pentapadu village. Pentapadu village is located between 16o45’-17o30’Northeren Latitude and 80o55’-81o55’Eastern Longitudes of West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh. Water analysis was carried out and physico chemical properties are studied. It was observed that most of the parameters are differing from place to place and no uniformity was observed. Most of the people in Pentapadu village were using bore water and well water for drinking purposes. These waters are found to be hard waters and found to contain dissolved salts along with bacterial impurities.

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