
The presence in children with bronchial asthma of disorders of bronchial patency, hypersecretion, deterioration of the drainage function of the bronchi determines the need to develop new technologies of kinesotherapy aimed at cleansing the bronchial tree from viscous sputum, strengthening the chest muscles. In this regard, the use of high-frequency thoracic oscillation is promising. Purpose. Study of the effectiveness of high frequency chest oscillation in children with bronchial asthma. Materials and methods. 60 children with bronchial asthma aged 6 to 17 years were examined. The main group was 30 children who received exposure to high frequency chest oscillation, the comparison group included 30 children who received only basic therapy, including basic anti-asthma therapy and respiratory gymnastics. Results. In the course of the study, positive dynamics of clinical-functional indicators was revealed, characterized by a decrease in the frequency of wet and dry seizure cough and its disappearance, increased sputum discharge, normalization of the auscultal picture in the lungs against the background of improving the performance of external breathing and respiratory excursion of the chest. More pronounced dynamics were observed in children with a moderate disease course, who were in incomplete remission and had initially lower computer flowmetry rates. Conclusion. Based on the studies, the possibility of using high-frequency chest oscillation in the comprehensive medical rehabilitation of children with bronchial asthma was scientifically substantiated. Peculiarities of action of high-frequency thoracic oscillation on clinical course of bronchial asthma characterized by improvement of bronchial patency, enhancement of sputum withdrawal, improvement of mobility of ribs, diaphragm, and biomechanics of respiration are studied. High therapeutic effectiveness of high-frequency chest oscillation in the treatment of bronchial asthma in children was established – 93.3%, which is significantly higher than in the comparison group (73.3%, p < 0.05).


  • Vvmr.ru abstract the presence in children with bronchial asthma of disorders of bronchial patency, hypersecretion, deterioration of the drainage function of the bronchi determines the need to develop new technologies of kinesotherapy aimed at cleansing the bronchial tree from viscous sputum, strengthening the chest muscles

  • More pronounced dynamics were observed in children with a moderate disease course, who were in incomplete remission and had initially lower computer flowmetry rates

  • Peculiarities of action of high-frequency thoracic oscillation on clinical course of bronchial asthma characterized by improvement of bronchial patency, enhancement of sputum withdrawal, improvement of mobility of ribs, diaphragm, and biomechanics of respiration are studied

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Физическая реабилитация детей с бронхиальной астмой

1,2Лян Н.А., 1,2Турова Е.А., 3Иванова И.И., 2Бокова И.А., 4Калиновская И.И. 1Московский научно-практический центр медицинской реабилитации, восстановительной и спортивной медицины Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы, Москва, Россия 2Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет им. Изучение эффективности применения высокочастотной осцилляции грудной клетки у детей с бронхиальной астмой. Обследованы 60 детей с бронхиальной астмой в возрасте от 6 до 17 лет. На основании проведенных исследований научно обоснована возможность применения высокочастотной осцилляции грудной клетки в комплексной медицинской реабилитации детей с бронхиальной астмой. Изучены особенности действия высокочастотной осцилляции грудной клетки на клиническое течение бронхиальной астмы, характеризующееся улучшением бронхиальной проходимости, усилением отхождения мокроты, улучшением подвижности ребер, диафрагмы, и биомеханики дыхания. Установлена высокая терапевтическая эффективность высокочастотной осцилляции грудной клетки при лечении бронхиальной астмы у детей – 93,3%, что достоверно выше, чем в группе сравнения (73,3%, р

Physical Rehabilitation of Children with Bronchial Asthma
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