
BaTa2S5 is shown to exhibit a bulk superconducting transition temperature Tc = 2.87(3) K through specific heat measurements. The electrical resistivity ρ vs T is metallic with ρ(3 K) = 69.6 μΩ cm. Filamentary superconductivity leads to a slightly higher value of Tc = 3.14(26) K in the ρ(T) data. The magnetic susceptibility is paramagnetic above Tc with a temperature independent Van Vleck contribution χVV = 1.68(2)×10−4 cm3/mol and a small Curie-Weiss contribution. The Meissner effect is observed below Tc. Hall effect measurements show that the majority charge carriers are holes with charge-carrier concentration n(6.25 K) = 6.56(2) × 1020 cm−3. An electronic specific heat coefficient γ = 7.61(46) mJ/mol K2 is observed. The energy gap associated with the superconducting state is Eg = 0.872(9) meV and the superconducting coherence length is estimated at ξ = 265 Å. BaTa2S5 can be classified as a Type II BCS superconductor.

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