
Much has changed since the days of Dudley Allen Sargent. Still, the purposes espoused by Sargent, and others who preceded us, are not so different from the purposes I see for our field today. Physical education has much to offer society and it is my belief that it can be an effective agent of change—especially in promoting the health of our nation. In this paper, I attempt to make a case for the establishment of clear common objectives for physical education that provide the basis for future action. Lack of clear and unambiguous objectives for physical education will render it (and NAPEHE) ineffective as an agent of change in the future. Suggestions concerning common objectives for physical education are outlined as well as suggestions for change in the schools, in colleges and universities, and within NAPEHE. My contention is that a clear purpose within physical education is essential if physical education is to be an effective agent of change in society.

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