
The analysis of normative documents covering the peculiarities of selection of candidates for service in the National Police of Ukraine and assessment of their level of physical fitness is carried out. Requirements for the physical fitness of future law enforcement officers have been established. It was stated that the level of physical fitness of future law enforcement officers is determined during the selection of candidates for service in the police, and further - during the annual final inspection in the system of police training. The main goal is to establish a person's fitness for service in the police and the ability to tolerate physical activity without reducing the ability to work while performing official duties.
 It is determined that the study of the physical condition of higher education students will determine the effectiveness of training sessions and their focus on improving health. The purpose of the article: to determine the dynamics of the physical condition of future law enforcement officers at the stage of professional development. The level of physical condition was assessed by indicators of body weight, body length, age, heart rate, pressure and was determined by the formula of the physical condition index. Based on the research, the level and dynamics of indicators of physical condition of applicants for higher education institutions with specific learning conditions were determined. The study involved cadets of the 2016 enrollment (n = 121), who were trained at the National Academy of Internal Affairs (Kyiv, Ukraine).
 It was found that the level of physical condition of future law enforcement officers during the training was defined as "above average". There was a significant improvement in the value of the index of physical condition of applicants in the second year (p<0.01) and an insignificant deterioration in the fourth (p˃0.05). The processing of the obtained results showed an increase in the number of people with a level of physical condition "above average" and a decrease with "low". The results of research give grounds to state the effectiveness of physical training in the first, second and third courses and prove the need to improve the educational process by increasing the share of general physical training in the fourth year.
 We see prospects for further research in determining the dynamics of the physical condition of employees of practical units of the National Police of Ukraine.


  • Крім цього специфіка навчання в закладі вищої освіти із специфічними умовами навчання спрямовує їх до самостійних занять в тренажерних залах та на спортивних майданчиках, що ефективно впливає на рівень фізичної підготовленості та покращення фізичного стану

  • В. Формування рухових умінь та навичок курсантів вищих навчальних закладів МВС України у процесі занять зі спеціальної фізичної підготовки : дис

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Київ; ФІЗИЧНИЙ СТАН МАЙБУТНІХ ПРАВООХОРОНЦІВ НА ЕТАПІ ПРОФЕСІЙНОГО СТАНОВЛЕННЯ Визначено рівень і динаміку показників фізичного стану здобувачів закладів вищої освіти зі специфічними умовами навчання. З’ясовано, що рівень фізичного стану майбутніх правоохоронців упродовж навчання визначався як «вищий за середній». Констатовано достовірне покращення значення індексу фізичного стану здобувачів на другому курсі (р

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