
The systematics and taxonomy of North Americancyprinid fishes has historically been said tobe in a chaotic state of affairs. Much of theconfusion as to relationships of species restsin the lack of explicit phylogenetic hypothesesof species and reliance upon degree ofdistinctiveness of taxa or their overallsimilarity for generic placement. Some specieshave had more turbulent or variable taxonomichistories than others. The ornate shiner, Cyprinella ornata, is one of those species,having been placed in the genera Notropis,Codoma, and Cyprinella within the last20 years and found in current texts in any ofthese three genera. Most of the confusionregarding placement of this species has beenrelated to lack of explicit phylogenetichypotheses to formulate its classification, butto a certain degree some researchers haveignored phylogenetic studies and preferred torely upon its morphological distinctiveness orreproductive behavioral traits of questionablehomology to place it in a monotypic genus andalign it with the genera Pimephales andOpsopoeodus.I present a phylogenetic analysis based oncomplete Cytochrome b sequences fromornate shiners, other species of Cyprinella, purported relatives, and severalother species of the Shiner Clade to determinethe phylogenetic affinities of this enigmaticspecies. Molecular analysis reveals the ornateshiner to be more closely related to species ofCyprinella than to a Pimephalesplus Opsopoeodus clade as previouslydiscussed in one morphological analysis, or asargued by Page and Johnston (1990), Johnstonand Page (1992) and Page and Ceas (1989) basedon observations of spawning behaviors andhypotheses of homology between crevice-spawningand egg-clumping behaviors. This molecularanalysis is more consistent with earliermorphological phylogenetic hypotheses of Mayden(1989) wherein these two clades are notconsidered to be closely related and the ornateshiner is a member of the genus Cyprinella.

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