
In each of 30 dipteran species, representing 13 acalyptrate and 7 calyptrate families, the cardia is formed from specialized cells at the junction between foregut and midgut. Foregut epithelium forms the stomodeal valve; midgut epithelium envelops the valve to form the cardia's outer wall. Cytological characteristics within these epithelia differ from region to region and from species to species. Since the cardia secretes the peritrophic membrane, cardias with diverse patterns of cellular differentiation may be expected to produce peritrophic membranes with similarly diverse properties. Close relatives often share more details of cardia structure than do distantly related taxa. Within the monophyletic Calyptratae, a common pattern of cellular differentiation includes three distinct zones of columnar midgut cells enclosing a flanged stomodeal valve. Among species in the paraphyletic Acalyptratae, midgut typically includes a single zone of tall columnar cells, while the valve may be spheroidal, cylindrical, conical, or flanged. The correlation of phylogenetic distance with divergence in cardia organization implies a strong influence of ancestry upon current structure, regardless of current diet. However, at least some of the observed diversity in cardia structure is associated with dietary divergence. Calyptrate flies with derived blood-feeding behavior display cellular differentiation that is simplified from that seen in calyptrate relatives with less specialized feeding habits. This evolutionary modification suggests that cardia organization and hence peritrophic membrane structure can adapt to dietary changes, with possible significance for the spatial organization of digestive processes and interactions with ingested microorganisms.

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