
A morphology-based phylogeny of the Holarctic leafhopper genus Planaphrodes Hamilton is reconstructed for the first time based on 39 discrete male adult morphological characters. The results support the monophyly of Planaphrodes, with the included species forming two monophyletic lineages defined mainly by the number and location of aedeagus processes. The position of Planaphrodes in the Aphrodini was resolved as follows: (Stroggylocephalus + (Anoscopus + (Planaphrodes + Aphrodes))). The fauna of Planaphrodes from China, Japan and Korea are reviewed and six species are recognized, including two new species: P. bifasciatus (Linnaeus), P. sahlbergii (Signoret), P. nigricans (Matsumura), P. laevus (Rey), P. baoxingensis sp. nov. (China: Sichuan) and P. faciems sp. nov. (China: Hubei). Acocephalus alboguttatus Kato, 1933 syn. nov. and Aphrodes daiwenicus Kuoh, 1981 syn. nov. are considered junior synonyms of Planaphrodes sahlbergii (Signoret, 1879). Planaphrodes bella Choe, 1981 is a junior synonym of Planaphrodes nigricans (Matsumura, 1912). A checklist and key to species of Planaphrodes are provided.

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