
Aim of investigation. Idiom study presents a special language problem for all language learners because the figurative meaning is unpredictable. The Ukrainian language being very flexible constantly enriches its vocabulary with words invented by language speakers, making it more colorful with new Phraseological units expressions, and, at times, refills its stocks with the borrowings and neologisms. Ukrainian just amazes by its extraordinary linguistic diversity. The subject determined the choice of research methodologies: theoretical (analysis of scientific and methodological literature, textbooks, programs for foreign students, study and synthesis of longterm pedagogical experience, modeling of the learning process); empirical (purposeful observation of the educational process, analysis of oral and written sentences of foreign students).Scientific novelty. For the first time there have been presented the importance of phraseological units, or idioms, represent what can be described as the most picturesque and expressive part of the language's vocabulary and to the problem of using phraseological units in speaking of upper-intermediate students. Examples of suitable exercises are presented in the article. It is share cult-ural and historical information and broaden people’s understanding and manipulation of a language. Idioms are always something special about any language; they build up some distinctive features which differ one language from another. What is more, phrase-ological units reflect certain cultural traditions and depict the nati-onal character. They are not a separate part of the language which one can choose either to use or to omit, but they form an essential part of the general vocabulary of Ukrainian.In order to understand a language, we must know what the idioms in that language mean. If we try to figure out the meaning of an idiom literally, word by word, we will get befuddled. We have to know its hidden meaning. Because of phraseological units, learning a language can be complicated.Conclusions. It has been proved that the sheer number of idioms and their high frequency in discourse make them an important aspect of vocabulary acquisition and language learning in general. One of the approaches to defining this linguistic phenomenon stresses that an idiom is a manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of the language. It proves that only students who are very good at speaking Ukrainian can adequately and to the point use idiomatic expressions in their speech. Ukrainian is a lang-uage with a vast idiomatic basis, which makes its learning very exciting and intriguing. So grasping the use of idioms is an essential part of learning Ukrainian.

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