
The subject of the study is the relationship between the methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language as a foreign language and phraseological material, which activates the various levels involved in mastering the linguistic base, namely motivation, memory, cognition and others. The article deals with the problem of bilingualism in Ukraine, considers the problems of teaching foreign students the Ukrainian language in terms of partial bilingual everyday communication, suggests ways to solve these problems. The classification of modern strategies used in language learning is considered. We also considered the advantages of the communicative-cognitive approach to learning the Ukrainian language. The research methodology consists of theoretical and practical principles of observation, recording and evaluation of activities in the system of teacher – students, taking into account the different conditions of linguistic and non-linguistic reality. The purpose of the study is to clarify the peculiarities of the use of phraseological units in the framework of work with foreign students, taking into account the bilingual situation in some parts of Ukraine. The article deals too with linguistic and methodological aspects of the study of phraseological units concerning with the work at the lessons of Russian as a foreign language. Phraseological units possess aesthetic value, so it is often included to the training material. The interpretation of them occurs on pretextual work level. The actual material of the article has about 50 different levels of language units, the selection of idioms was carried out in the presence of words with temporal meaning. An idiom is a linear sequence, representing the aesthetic value thanks to the meaning hidden in it. Words, in idiomatic expressions, creating a special sense, come in a variety of relationships – synonymic, antonymic, of kind and type ones etc. Inside the words can occur shifts of meanings such as metaphorical, metonymic. The syntax structure of idioms can be different from a phrase to sentences with different punctuation. Learning understanding and practical usage of Russian phraseological units lead to the development of students not only objective semantic and associative evaluation of the various acts or objects, but also to the ability to implement the same idea through units of different levels of language and speech formulas, which are composed of elements with imagery. The conclusion of the study. We have considered the classification of modern strategies used in the study of Ukrainian as a foreign language. The advantages of communicative-cognitive approach to learning the Ukrainian language are described. Practice shows that motivation and mnemonic techniques are important in learning. The phraseological layer of vocabulary is a very important culturological factor in the process of learning a foreign language. We can see further prospects of our research in a detailed consideration of all the tools of communicative-cognitive approach to the study of language as a foreign language.

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