
Introduction. Language is stipulated with the operation and interaction betweenthe traditional, regulatory signs and non-traditional, innovative units in it. Pre-requisites andconsequences of unconventional use of established collocations, as well as the linguisticpotential of phraseological units with the modified form / semantics / context are activelystudied by linguists working in a topical communicative-and-pragmatic field of linguistics.While the study of the factors, which stipulate the choice of phraseological units in the courseof arranging the formulation, and the motives or reasons of a speaker’s non-compliance withthe established convention while their use, the researchers focus on various communicative areas,i.e. the areas of phraseological units operation. Phraseological innovation should be deemed,based on the experience of the major Czech phraseological school, as any transformation,which makes any deviations from the modern Czech phraseological standard established inthe codification sources obvious in the semantic and / or formal structure of a traditionalphraseological unit. In belles-lettres texts, phraseological units serve as a valuable source ofbackground information about the national culture and mentality. The writers, in their searchfor unique means for expression of their thoughts, attempt to expand the expressive ability ofthe phraseological units, therefore they tend to offer the readers the modified variants of themmore and more often. Such creative modification of a phraseological unit makes a text uniqueand novel. The paper focuses on determining the idioms and phraseological units transformationsin the novel “Night in Meidlovarna” by Czech writer Eva Hauserová. The paper suggeststhe ways of idioms and phraseological units author’s transformations.Purpose. Comparison of phraseological stock in various languages primarily witnessesof historical contacts, the unity of geographical territory or – vice versa – of various natural orsocialcircumstances. Comparative analysis of two languages can reveal abundant linguoculturologicaland folklore information. Methods. The research is grounded on the methods of componental analysis, structuraland semantic analysis, and contextual analysis.Results. The article deals with issues of transformation of Czech phraseological unitsin belles-lettres texts and their translation into Ukrainian. Modern Czech literature is rich inthe examples of structural and semantic modifications of the phraseological units. As an exampleof author’s interpretation, a novel by Czech writer Eva Hauserova “Night in Meidlovarna” (Nightsat Party Central) has been studied. The collected material enabled to determine how oftenthe author applied the method of author’s transformation of the Czech phraseological units, howmuch the author’s substitution of the phraseological units’ content differs from the commonlyused one, and to identify the methods of phraseological unit transformation in the text. Thearticle also analyzes the difficulties the interpreter faces while translating the Czech author’sphraseological units into Ukrainian.

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