Though few and far between, phototropism studies through 1937 established a number of important principles. (1) Blue light is the active spectral region. (2) The phototropic stimulus is perceived by the coleoptile tip, and the consequences of the stimulation progress down into the growing region. (3) Lateral transport of auxin mediates the curvature response. (4) The reciprocity law holds for first positive curvature, whereas second positive curvature is time dependent. (5) Red light treatment had a major effect on phototropic sensitivity. Later studies established the following. (6) Seven blue light receptors (cryptochromes, phototropins, and three F-box proteins) were identified and characterized. (7) A flavin was established as the photoreceptor chromophore for all seven. (8) The chromophore domain, designated the LOV domain (for light, oxygen, or voltage), carries out a unique photochemistry. (9) LOV domains must be truly ancient chromophore domains. There remain some puzzles. The fluence-response threshold level for first positive curvature is far below that for phototropin photochemistry. Likewise, the fluence-response threshold level for the red light effect on coleoptile phototropism is far below those for phytochrome phototransformation. Cytological effects of red light are also very insensitive compared with the physiological effects of red light. What is the mechanism allowing for this extraordinary photosensitivity? How is phototropin specificity controlled? What are the functions of the phytochrome kinase substrate proteins in both phytochrome and phototropin responses? What mechanism leads to lateral auxin transport? Finally, are LOV domain proteins true photoreceptors in all of the bacteria in which they occur? If so, what is their biological function? Even in the ancient world, astute observers noted that plants could turn to face the sunlight. What was originally designated heliotropism for plants that followed the sun eventually became divided into two distinct response categories: solar tracking (the real heliotropism), a repetitive and completely reversible turgor-driven process; and phototropism, an irreversible directional growth response determined by light direction. Over the past 200 years, a large number of brilliant biologists, including Julius Sachs (1864), Charles Darwin (1881), Frits Went (1928), and Kenneth Thimann (Went and Thimann, 1937) have applied their talents to examining and elucidating the mechanisms accounting for both of these responses. The entire history of phototropism and solar tracking parallels and is intertwined with that for a number of other blue light responses, found not just in higher plants but in bryophytes, ferns, algae, fungi, and, most recently bacteria. For a detailed account of this history, see Briggs (2006). Progress in research on blue light-activated processes over the last half century was severely hampered by a lack of knowledge of the relevant blue light receptors.
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