
SummaryResponse curves of photosynthesis to water content of bryophytes of dry habitats (e.g. Tortula intermedia, Camptothecium lutescens) show an optimum, with photosynthesis declining again at high water contents. Respiration may be stimulated by water stress, but is unaffected by high water contents. The steep portions of the photosynthesis and respiration curves lie within a similar range at low water contents. Some species of constantly moist habitats (e.g. Pellia epiphylla, Hookeria lucens) show photosynthesis increasing progressively to water contents of 500 to 1000 % of dry weight, and affected at much lower water deficits than respiration as the plant dries out. The response of photosynthesis and respiration to water potential is broadly similar in the two groups. In the species investigated there was generally measurable photosynthesis at –60 to – 100 bar, but little or none at – 150 to –200 bar. Respiration continues to somewhat lower water potentials of which the limits were not determined.Field measurements of the water content of shoots of five species over a period of 12 months showed much greater variation in Tortula muralis than in the woodland species. Maximum water contents in the field generally lay close to the optima of the photosynthesis response curves. The lower water contents recorded in these and in published data are considered in relation to sorption isotherms for bryophytes and other plant materials.The water associated with bryophyte shoots can be divided into (1) water within the cell walls (apoplast water), (2) water within the cytoplasm (symplast water), and (3) external capillary water. Changes in water content below about –200 bar take place chiefly within (1), between c.– 200 and c. ‐ 2 bar within (2), and at higher water potentials chiefly within (3). Water movement within the shoots is physiologically important; the distribution and movement of water are mediated by the geometry of the capillary spaces of the cell walls and the plant surface. In species with papillose leaves, rates of capillary conduction in the interstices between the papillae are more than sufficient to balance evaporation. Conduction within the cell walls is likely to be important in species with non‐papillose leaves, hut other pathways may also be involved, and water movement in these species requires further investigation.

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