
It is shown that SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT) thin films can be made to exhibit significant polarization fatigue by electric-field cycling under broad-band, optical illumination. Photoinduced fatigue is also observed for Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) thin-film capacitors with (La,Sr)CoO3 (LSCO) electrodes. These results demonstrate that both the Pt/SBT/Pt and the LSCO/PZT/LSCO systems are susceptible to fatigue effects, which are attributed primarily to pinning of domain walls due to charge trapping. Capacitors that have been fatigued under illumination can be fully rejuvinated by applying a dc saturating bias with light or by electric-field cycling without light, which indicates an intrinsic, field-assisted recovery mechanism. We suggest that fatigue is essentially a competition between domain wall pinning and unpinning and that domain pinning is not necessarily absent in these nominally fatigue-free systems, but rather these systems are ones in which unpinning occurs at least as rapidly as any pinning. In both cases, the extent of photoinduced fatigue decreases with increased cycling voltage, indicating the relative importance of field-assisted unpinning. Finally, the observation of photoinduced fatigue implies that increased injection rates, potentially due to oxygen vacancy accumulation, may account for the electrode dependence on fatigue in PZT thin films.

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