
We have built an ellipsoidal display analyzer (EDA) for angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and related techniques. The instrument is an improved version of a design by Eastman et al. [Nucl. Instrum. Methods 172, 327 (1980)] and measures the angle-resolved intensity distribution of photoelectrons at fixed energy I(θ,φ)|E=const.. Such two-dimensional cuts through the Brillouin zone are recorded using a position-sensitive detector. The large acceptance angle (Δθ=43° in the polar direction and Δφ=360° in the azimuthal direction) leads to a collection efficiency which exceeds that of conventional hemispherical analyzers by a factor of about 3000. Using ray-tracing calculations we analyze the electron optical properties of the various analyzer components and optimize their arrangement. This minimizes distortions and aberrations in the recorded images and greatly improves the performance compared to previous realizations of this analyzer. We present examples demonstrating the performance of the analyzer and its versatility. Using a commercial He-discharge lamp we are able to measure complete angular distribution patterns in less than 5 s. The energy and angular resolution are ΔEEDA=85 meV and Δθ=1.2°, respectively. Complete stacks of such cuts through the Brillouin zone at different kinetic energies E can be acquired automatically using custom software. The raw data are processed leading to a three-dimensional set (I(EB,k∥) of photoelectron intensity versus binding energy E and wave vector k∥. From this all relevant information, like the dispersion relations EB(k∥) along arbitrary directions of the Brillouin zone or Fermi-surface maps, can then be computed. An additional electron gun enables low-energy electron diffraction, Auger electron spectroscopy, and electron energy-loss spectroscopy. Switching between electrons and photons as the excitation source is possible without any movement of the sample or analyzer. Because of the high acquisition speed it is possible to study the electronic structure of solids as a function of an external parameter (i.e., temperature) or to make animated movies showing, for example, the evolution of electronic states in reciprocal space. After installation of this EDA at a synchrotron providing tunable photon energy, the full power of the instrument will come into play by adding techniques like constant final state or constant initial state spectroscopy, and x-ray photoelectron diffraction.

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