
The process of cell differentiation is highly regulated in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. The aquatic bacterium, Caulobacter crescentus, undergoes programmed cell differentiation from a motile swarmer cell to a stationary stalked cell with each cell cycle. This critical event is regulated at multiple levels. Kinase activity of the bifunctional enzyme, PleC, is limited to a brief period when it initiates the molecular signaling cascade that results in cell differentiation. Conversely, PleC phosphatase activity is required for pili formation and flagellar rotation. We show that PleC is localized to the flagellar pole by the scaffold protein, PodJ, which is known to suppress PleC kinase activity in vitro. PleC mutants that are unable to bind PodJ have increased kinase activity in vivo, resulting in premature differentiation. We propose a model in which PodJ regulation of PleC's enzymatic activity contributes to the robust timing of cell differentiation during the Caulobacter cell cycle.

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