
The life cycle of the aquatic bacterium Caulobacter crescentus includes an asymmetric cell division and an obligate cell differentiation. Each cell division gives rise to a motile but replication inert swarmer cell and a sessile, replication competent stalked cell. While the stalked progeny immediately reinitiates DNA replication and cell division, the swarmer cell remains motile and chemotactically active for a constant period of the cell cycle before it differentiates into a stalked cell. During this process, the cell looses motility by ejecting the flagellum, synthesizes a stalk and eventually initiates chromosome replication and cell division. The link of morphogenic transitions to the replicative cycle of Caulobacter implies that the developmental programs which determine asymmetry and cell differentiation must be tightly connected with cell cycle control. This has been confirmed by the recent identification of signal transduction mechanisms, which are involved in temporal and spatial control of both development and cell cycle. Interestingly, the cell has recruited two-component signal transduction systems for this internal control, a family of regulatory proteins which usually are involved in the information transfer between the environment and the inside of a cell. The response regulator protein CtrA controls several key cell cycle events like the initiation of DNA replication, DNA methylation, cell division, and flagellar biogenesis. The activity of this master regulator is subject to complex temporal and spatial control during the C. crescentus cell cycle, including regulated transcription, phosphorylation and degradation. Three membrane bound sensor kinases have been proposed to control the phosphorylation status of CtrA. Two of these, CckA and DivJ, exhibit specific subcellular localization and, in the case of CckA, dynamic rearrangement in the course of the cell cycle. These findings support the idea that the developmental program of C. crescentus is controlled at least in part by localized cues that act as checkpoints for the control of morphological changes and cell cycle progression.

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