
Mobile robots are increasingly used to collect valuable in situ samples during scientific expeditions. However, many phenomena of scientific interest—deep-sea hydrothermal plumes, algal blooms, warm-core eddies, and lava flows—are spatiotemporal distributions that evolve on spatial and temporal scales that complicate sample collection. Here, we consider the problem of charting the space-time dynamics of deep-sea hydrothermal plumes with the state-of-the-art autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Sentry. In the hydrothermal plume charting problem, the plume state is driven by complicated and unobserved dynamics in the deep sea. To effectively sample the moving plume, an autonomy system must infer plume dynamics from sparse, point observations, while respecting operational constraints of AUV Sentry that restrict the set of possible trajectories to nonadaptive, uniform-coverage patterns. We frame the plume charting problem as a sequential decision-making problem and formulate a mission planner PHORTEX (PHysically-informed Operational Robotic Trajectories for EXpeditions) that strategically designs full mission trajectories for Sentry, where each mission plan is informed by the observations of the last. PHORTEX is composed of a trajectory optimizer, which maximizes expected samples collected within a moving plume, and PHUMES (PHysically-informed Uncertainty Models for Environment Spatiotemporality), a modeling framework that leverages an embedded simulator of idealized plume physics as an inductive bias to enable dynamics learning from extreme partial observations and a few Sentry deployments. In both simulation and in field trials at a hydrothermal site in the Gulf of California, we demonstrate that Sentry using PHORTEX learns to track a moving hydrothermal plume and gather samples that significantly improve upon baseline spatial and temporal diversity for use in downstream science tasks.

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