
Myialges anchora Trouessart, 1906 and M. lophortyx (Furman & Tarshis, 1953) gravid females, surrounded by clusters of eggs, were found strongly inserted into the cuticle of head, thorax, abdomen, femurs and wings of Pseudolynchia canariensis (Macquart, 1840), a hippoboscid fly parasite of the pigeon. This lousefly results obligatory host for ovigerous females of Myialges and for the development of their eggs, and phoretic host because the dispersal of hatching larvae to new hosts may then occur with dispersal of fly carriers. Together with the Myiolges species, not ovigerous females of Ornithocheyletia hallae Smiley, 1970 and Columbicola columbae (Linnaeus, 1758) were found on the pigeon fly.

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