
Phoresy is a biologically mechanical phenomena where an immobile organism hitches on a other mobile organism to translocate. This behaviour is not studied very well on the field level especially between two important parasites infesting the same host. Parasite/parasite interaction is rarely studied through most biological host-parasite systems. Here, we evaluated the phoretic relation between parasitic chewing lice and hippoboscid flies (Pseudolynchia canariensis) on rock pigeons. A total of 69 captivated rock pigeons, Columba livia, were examined for the parasitic chewing lice and hippoboscid flies in Giza Zoo and two local farms near Cairo, Egypt. Results indicated that there is a positive correlation between infestation of hippoboscid flies and chewing lice. Also, the analysis of louse/louse interaction using ANOVA indicated a significant difference between the three chewing louse species which were recorded on the rock pigeons with relatively high abundance of two species, Columbicola columbae and Campanulotes compar. The analysis of hippoboscid flies' abundance and its relation with chewing lice infestation indicate a significant increase of lice intensity in case of high infestation with the fly. The level of hygiene of nest may be inversely related to level of parasite infestation. This work forms a step in the process of understanding parasite/parasite and host/parasite interactions using two parasitic species with a characteristic phoretic behaviour in nature.

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