
Effects of phonons, LO and SO, on the electronic and optical properties are brought out in an InAs0.8P0.2/InP quantum well wire. Electronic properties are studied by means of variational formulism based on the Lee-Low Pines transformation whereas the compact density matrix method is applied for obtaining the results of optical properties. The polaronic effect is included through the potential derived by Aldrich and Bajaj. The strain contributions are spontaneous and piezo electric polarizations which are included in the Hamiltonian. The valence-band anisotropy is included considering the in-plane and out of plane electron effective masses. Product of oscillator strength and the radiative life time as a function of wire radius are investigated with and without the phonon correction. Phonon induced optical band gap is investigated. Optical gain with the photon energy in InAs0.8P0.2/InP quantum well wire with and without the inclusion of LO and SO phonon effects is discussed. The results are improved with the earlier investigation (Saravanan et al., 2014 [27]) in which phonon contributions have not been included. The results show that the electronic and optical properties are much influenced by the polaronic correction, both LO and SO phonons, in a narrow band gap quantum well wire.

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