
The article is devoted to the question of the noospheric thinking as a way of spiritual development of a personality through the transformation of its worldview. The accent has been made on the models of self-development and the transformations of the idea of personal self-development on the different stages of sociogenesis. It has been stressed that the idea of free self-development of a personality and the very idea of the individual as a universal value spread during the epoch of Renaissance. It is the philosophy and art of this period that affirms the importance of free choice and the formation of a person as a creator similar to God – the Creator of the Universe.It has been concluded thatmodern science perceives a person not as a closed but as an open and dynamically developing system which is in contact with the external natural and social environment, qualitatively changes and develops itself, acquiring new properties and expanding its own boundaries. At the current stage of scientific understanding of the issue of human existence in the world and the role of his self-development in the process of evolution of the Universe an idea has been formed about the natural connection between these two processes.Noospheric thinking represented by the categories of cosmic evolution of humanity, structure of matter, consciousness as an innate property of the Universe, co-evolution, energy image of a human and the world, spirituality, and etc. is a constructive support for personal self-development and building of the integral and harmonious worldview system.Key words: Personality, Consciousness, Culture, Noosphere, Anthropic Principle.

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