
The paper deals with the concept of matter manipulation and its vitality in the Brothers Quay’ works. The matter manipulation is not limited to the actual “matter”. Brothers Quay perceive the acting “matters” as symbols and signs of human activities and relationships. For them, there is no fundamental difference between “matters” and living beings inhabiting their films. Matter manipulation is the process of “machine” production, reproduction, destruction, repair and deconstruction. The creation process acts as a magic spell, in which objects are transformed into something else. The Street of Crocodiles (1986) is an example of deep understanding of lifelessness as a mask, a kind of conspiracy, behind which unknown life forms hide. Brothers Quay’ creative works tell us about autonomous existence of objects beyond their direct utilitarian purpose. The article will be devoted to such problems as synergistic vision of the world in which the material and the spiritual are inseparable. Despite the paradox of visual embodiment, it fits into a philosophical metatheory of the “new materialism”, which transversely crosses streams of matter and mind, body and soul, nature and culture. The legacy of Brothers Quay open to us the world of ordinary, “banal” things, signs of time on their body shell, in contradiction with the dominance of endless consumption of new, intrusive advertising and cult of youth, in which there is no room for “sign of the times”. Santrauka Straipsnio objektas – manipuliavimo materija ir jos vitališkumo koncepcija brolių Quay darbuose. Manipuliavimas materija neapsiriboja tikrąja „materija“. Broliai Quay veikiančiąją „materiją“ supranta kaip žmonių veiklos bei santykių simbolius ir ženklus. Jų manymu, nesama esminio skirtumo tarp „materijos“ ir gyvų būtybių jų filmuose. Manipuliavimas materija – tai „mašininio“ produkavimo, reprodukavimo, destrukcijos, taisymo ir dekonstravimo procesas. Kūrybos procesas – tai tarsi magiškas akimirksnis, kurio metu objektai transformuojami į kažką kita. Krokodilų gatvė – tai negyvybingumo kaip kaukės, tam tikros konspiracijos, anapus kurios glūdi nepažintojo gyvenimo formos, gilaus supratimo pavyzdys. Brolių Quay kūrybos darbai byloja apie autonomišką objektų egzistenciją anapus jų tiesioginių utilitarinių tikslų. Straipsnis skirtas tokioms problemoms, kaip sinergetinis pasaulio, kuriame materija ir dvasia yra neatsiejamos, matymas. Nepaisant vizualiojo įkūnijimo paradokso, jis pritaikomas „naujojo materializmo“ filosofinei metateorijai. „Naujasis materializmas“ skersai išilgai kerta materijos ir sąmonės, kūno ir sielos, gamtos ir kultūros klodus. Brolių Quay palikimas atveria įprastinių, „banalių“ daiktų pasaulį, laiko ženklus jų kūniškumo lentynoje, visa tai priešpastatydamas neišsenkančiam naujosios įkyrios reklamos ir jaunystės kulto vartojimo dominavimui – pastarojo sąlygomis nesama vietos „laiko ženklų“ kambariui. Reikšminiai žodžiai: animacija, broliai Quay, Vidurio ir Rytų Europa, Gilles'is Deleuze'as, mašina, manipuliavimas, medžiaga, vitališkumas


  • “A director makes only one movie in his life

  • Brothers Quay (Stephen and Timothy), American directors and animators living in the United Kingdom came from the generation of the 1970s

  • An inspiration of their work has become the avant-garde culture of Eastern and Central Europe. Their works are filled with strange scenarios, parables about life and death; their films are full of literary, historical, mythological and philosophical allusions. Most their works are one way or another connected with Central and Eastern Europe: they consider themselves successors of esoteric influences of Ladislas Starevich and Jiří Trnka, Valerian Borovchik, Czech surrealist animator Jan Švankmajer and, primarily, Bruno Schulz

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Basia Nikiforova

The paper deals with the concept of matter manipulation and its vitality in the Brothers Quay’ works. Brothers Quay perceive the acting “matters” as symbols and signs of human activities and relationships. Matter manipulation is the process of “machine” production, reproduction, destruction, repair and deconstruction. The creation process acts as a magic spell, in which objects are transformed into something else. Brothers Quay’ creative works tell us about autonomous existence of objects beyond their direct utilitarian purpose. The legacy of Brothers Quay open to us the world of ordinary, “banal” things, signs of time on their body shell, in contradiction with the dominance of endless consumption of new, intrusive advertising and cult of youth, in which there is no room for “sign of the times”. Philosophy of matter manipulation in Brothers Quay’ metaphorical animation world

Jean Renoir
Philosophy of matter manipulation
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