
Summarizes experience and identifies strategic directions of the new transport infrastructure; contained methodology of ensuring the development and implementation competitive projects and services of new transport infrastructure; case of competitive projects and services of new transport infrastructure is presented, taking into account legal and educational and research support. Systematization of terminology is the basis for use in the wording of projects and changes to laws and regulations regarding the requirements of reliability and safety of infrastructure facilities and further theory development and practice of infrastructure projects. The use and involvement domestic raw materials and road operators for network development of cement concrete roads in Ukraine from the southeast to the northwest will provide long-term, within 25-30 years, prospect of building this network, which is qualitative guarantee changes in employment, rural development and efficiency of the national economy. Smart Stop Point projects take into account the trends of modern philosophy in architecture and construction, local identity, ethnic styles and motifs, geographical and weather conditions, limitations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, autonomy, energy efficiency, inclusion, urban connectivity, suburban and long-distance control systems. Proposed a new principles of scheduled repairs of hard coatings with different operation modes and operating conditions are breakthrough in the dual use of certain types materials, products and technologies, both civilian and military, and meets the interests of national security and defense of Ukraine. Designing schemes and urgent measures for the dispersion of transport and passenger flows in the event of illegal interference in the operation of infrastructure facilities are efficient, effective, safe, can be monitored and connected to urban, suburban and intercity control systems. A comprehensive system of monitoring and control reliability and safety of infrastructure facilities also provides continuous monitoring, assessment and changes in the condition of airfields and road surfaces. Training, retraining, raising and improving the skills of managers and specialists in reliability and safety in transport is an important step to ensure transport functioning road complex of Ukraine.


  • Social change, legal complication, social, environmental and economic factors combined with the exacerbation of pandemic scenarios require to today's problems solution of survival and creative search for the development tomorrow's projects

  • Smart Stop Point projects take into account the trends of modern philosophy in architecture and construction, local identity, ethnic styles and motifs, geographical and weather conditions, limitations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, autonomy, energy efficiency, inclusion, urban connectivity, suburban and long-distance control systems

  • Defining long-term priorities and ensuring the methodology of development and implementation by new transport infrastructure of Ukraine allowed to present a case of competitive infrastructure projects / services, taking into account legal and training support

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Electronic scientific and practical publication in economic sciences

Editor in Chief: Deputy editors-in-chief: Hryhorak M. Members of the Editorial Board: SWIEKATOWSKI Ryszard – Doctor of Economics, Professor (Poland); POSTAN M. B. – Doctor of Economics, Ass. Professor; SOLOMON D. The electronic scientifically and practical journal “INTELLECTUALIZATION OF LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT”, ISSN 2708-3195 v.6 (2021) https://smart-scm.org. Gameliak I.P. Doctor of Technical Science (s), professor, Head at the Department of Airports, National Transport University (Ukraine). Dmytrychenko A.M. Candidate of Engineering Sciences, associate professor of department transport law and logistic, National Transport University (Ukraine). Vakarchuk I.M. PhD in Technical Science, Associate Professor at the Department of Airports, National Transport University (Ukraine). PHILOSOPHY OF APPLIED RELIABILITY AND SAFETY OF UKRAINE NEW TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE. Систематизація термінології є основою для нормативно-правових актів з надійності та безпеки інфраструктурних об’єктів. Систематизация терминологии – основа для нормативно-правовых актов по надежности и безопасности инфраструктурных объектов. Ключевые слова: надежность, безопасность, объект транспортной инфраструктуры, объект аэропортовой инфраструктуры, стандарт, цементобетон, международные коридоры, автомагистрали и местные транспортные сети, транспортные и пассажирские потоки, стратегические инфраструктурные проекты, умные остановки

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