
The article analyzes the philosophical legacy of one of the greatest thinkers of the past Aburayhan Biruni. It is noted that Biruni was familiar with the teachings of think-ers from different epochs. Philosophy of Biruni is an ex-tract formed from elements not only of Islamic culture, but also of ancient Iranian, Greek, Indian, and other sources. In his researches on biology and natural history Biruni indicated topics from which we can comprehend such phenomena as the evolution and change. Biruni was the founder of the experimental science highlighting the scientific and methodological aspects of experiments as a basis for the development of theory. He believed that the theory without its pilot implementations is empty and baseless. Biruni considered experiments as an important factor in the development of both natural and social sci-ences, formulated the important components of the ex-periment. His innovations in the theory of evolution are of great scientific importance. The article also highlights the methodology of scientific cognition developed by Biruni, his use of experimental methods and observations as methods of scientific research, since experiments are an important factor in the development of not only natural but also social sciences. Biruni made a dispute between the (intellectual) philoso-phy of science and philosophy of oriental peripatetics - Muslim followers of Aristotle's formal philosophy, i.e. a dispute between the Iranian natural philosophy and the philosophy of Greece.

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