
The article discusses one of the six semantic sectors comprising paremiological layer in the peripheral structure of the verbal field of the concept SECURITY. The focus of analysis is placed upon philosophically coloured proverbs, maxims, winged words and the like, collectively named paremies. The analyzed vocabulary units include generalizing English sayings concerning the nature of danger and the ways of its avoiding. They on the one hand ascertain the inevitability of certain life collisions, and stress upon the fatal character of danger, while on the other hand they suggest certain models of behavior which guarantee security to a person. We come to a conclusion that philosophical level of conceptualization of human existence results in verbalizing the notions of danger / security in a number of English paremies crystallizing the experience of numerous generations of the English ethnos. Each of those linguistic units teaches the listener to adequately estimate vital values of human existence at large and the human position in the whirlwind of life in particular.

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