
Abstract Current trends determine the prerequisites of praxeological and epistemological understanding of sustainable social development vector, as well as relevant strate-gies for the educational improvement aimed at gaining relevant skills that allow one to achieve his goals and results. Since global world transformations correlated to overwhelming systemic crises and contradictions as well as the transition of humani-ty lead to a new course of civilizational development characterized by dynamic processes of digitization, the spread of hyperreality, the transition of human activity are merging within a virtual dimension. The purpose of the following scientific exploration is to apply the heuristic memory models knowledge to the interpretation of the praxeological results within methodological conceptualisation; it is directed at analyzing the heritage of Jean Baudrillard's personality, his projects, contributions to the development of philoso-phy and science; issues preserved in the living memory of experts for methodologi-cal value in education and self-education, in the practice of developing the skills, as well as relevant skills regarding the next generations. As a result of our scientific report, we shall consider the role and influence of the environment and the "constructs" of world memory and history on the formation of the memory of the personality, its works, achievements, and fruits of creativity, on the determination of the contents of the personality's memory, and also on how these data can be used in modern conditions for the activity approach.

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