
The 21st century is characterized by the development of new forms in the social aspects of labor; labor influences the formation and functioning of the development of a creative society in the digital era. Many researchers pay attention to the ideological problem caused by the development of technologies and intelligent systems in the information space, but it is important to pay attention to the societal essence of labor, since labor is not only a means and a process for obtaining material results, but also has broad social significance. Labor forms relationships that determine the social status and identity of the individual; the socio-philosophical content of labor prevents the emergence of a new phenomenon of the precariat and fills it with meaning and value. Labor in a creative society plays a role in creating and maintaining economic stability, increasing self-esteem and self-determination. The article shows the importance of addressing the topic of socio-philosophical aspects of the content of work through the prism of the life path and works of Dr. Tamara Mikhailova, Professor of the Yakutsk State University, later M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University. The article uses methods of analysis, synthesis and comparative analysis to consider the basic concepts and ideas related to the philosophy and social essence of labor. The socio-philosophical essence and function of labor in the creative economy of the 21st century requires constant scientific research, the search for new solutions to respond to trends and challenges of society, to improve the quality of human life.

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