
The study will deal with the topic of charity and its role in preserving the Faculty of reason, in order to highlight the areas of achieving charitable work and the purposes of Sharia in preserving the Faculty of reason. The study will also show that the preservation of the Faculty of mind has two sides: the aspect of being and the aspect of nothingness. Research objectives: the research aims to demonstrate the impact of charitable work in preserving the purpose of preserving the mind from both sides of existence and non-existence, instilling the spirit of initiative in people's souls to establish charitable works; based on what is intended to achieve the reality of charitable work at the level of the Faculty of mind. As for the study method, it relied on the descriptive analytical method and application to some examples and issues in the field of charity work, and the study concluded a set of results, the most important of which are: the preservation of the Faculty of reason is a legitimate purpose, and a great social work urged by Islam, and make those responsible for it the most complete punishment, and charitable work also achieves the purpose of preserving the Faculty of mind, preserving its existence, and avoiding non-existence, and by preserving charitable work of this origin is an intentional interest of the Sharia.

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