
The study of the conceptual sphere is a field of linguistics which is closely related to the study of culture, the mentality of a particular linguistic personality or society of a certain epoch, the people as a carrier of mentality. Research in this area is important not only in synchrony, but also in diachrony, due to the historical variability of cultural codes, the volume and content of language resources as the means of representation of concepts, the evolution of the social substratum of language in the developing world. This determines the relevance of addressing the phenomenon of emancipation, since it is associated with shifts in social (primarily legal) relations of various kinds, in culture, rightly regarded by science as having humanitarian value. The aim of the study is to characterize from a linguistic point of view the content features of the concept of EMANCIPATION, which are determined by social trends, the passionarity of the epoch, the intentions of individuals evaluating the phenomenon, taking into account the noticeable stability of the core of Abstract semantics of its most important representative - the word emancipation. The research is carried out from anthropocentric positions, in synchronous-diachronic terms, using a set of methods: descriptiveanalytical, elements of component analysis, comparative analysis, synthesis, methods of cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistic (survey). The main material was the data of the National Corpus of the Russian Language (Ruscorpora), namely, the contexts of a sample of documents presented in it from different eras with the word emancipation in various grammatical forms. The research has shown that the word emancipation in the Russian conceptual sphere is consistently represented primarily by the concept, the semantic dominant of which is formed by ‘woman’ ( the phenomenon of women’s emancipation, female emancipation ), so that we can talk about its prominence in the Russian culture with this name: EMANCIPATION. Artistic and journalistic works of Russian writers, including “women’s prose”, contributed to the isulation of this concept. The word emancipation, used with other pragmatic attitudes, performs the function of one of the verbalizers of the concepts of related spheres: INDEPENDENCE, FREEDOM of CREATIVITY. The practical application of this material can be associated with its use in university linguistic courses, in the study of terminology, in lexicography, in literary studies, in explaining the scope of the term emancipation in the official business style, modern legal discourse.

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