
Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) has a vision as a conservation university with international reputation. Therefore, UNNES implements learning activity by applying character development of conservation. In developing the character of the entire academic community, UNNES applies transformative learning by changing the orientation of anthropocentrism to eco-centrism learning (constructivism and cooperative approach in line with the eco-centrism orientation), from selfishness to collectivism, and materialism to spiritualism. Furthermore, UNNES uses learning strategies includingrole model, habituation, reinforcement, and reflective thinking. This study aims to identify and analyze the adaptability of international students in both academic and social issues related to conservation-based curriculum at UNNES. Participants in this study were 52 students from 13 countries. This research used descriptive qualitative by phenomenological approach. Whereas, the data was obtained from observation and in-depth interview. Perception of international student to the curriculum in UNNES is described and expected to be used as a platform for policy makers to make innovations in an attempt to create UNNES as a conservation university with international reputation. Based on the results, international students can adapt well in UNNES environment, both in academic and social issues. International students are able to understand and implement 8 conservation characters of UNNES; there are inspiring, humane, caring, innovative, creative, fair play, honest and fair. Theyalso appreciate the concept of Student Centre Learning (SCL) in UNNES and stated that the learning principles have been well implemented in UNNES. Nevertheless, language remains a constraint and thus interactive and participatory principles may not be implemented optimally. Hence, lecturers are expectedto improve their English skill to overcome this language constraint and create participative communication with their international students. Also, International Office (IO) may need to further demonstrate its role in creating mutual understanding between the two parties and providing facilities for international students to adapt in UNNES environment, since the international students have not gain significant benefit from its existence.

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