
Results of seasonal changes of phenolic compounds are presented in the article for leaves of Dasiphora davurica grown in culture of the south of the Amur region. The phenolic compounds were analyzed by the method of a high-performance liquid chromatography. Five glycosides of flavonol (hyperoside, isoquercitrin, rutin, avicularin, quercitrin), one aglycone (quercetin) and tannins (ellagic acid and its glycoside) were found. It was found that phenolic composition of D. davurica is constant, but the changes of qualitative composition occur at the expense of minor compounds. The largest number of phenolic components (21) was established in stage the period of full isolation of leaves and periods of mass and the ending of a blossoming. A higher total content of phenolic compounds in leaves of D. davurica was established in the stages of mass budding (24,3 mg/g). A higher of total flavonols was found in the stages of formation of the first flowers (15,2 mg/g). Quercetin, kaempferol, rhamnetin glycosides were found in all stages of development. The largest glycosides of flavonols was found in the phase of the budding, in the stage of the beginning and mass blossoming with aglycones (quercetin) at the beginning of vegetation and the ending of a blossoming. A fact of contrariety of the dynamics of accumulation of glycosides and their aglycones was revealed. A higher content of most individual phenolic compounds was found in mature leaves in the flowering and fruiting phases. Avicularin is the predominant glycoside during the growing season. Ellagic acid dominated in mature tissues whereas ellagic acid glycoside was the predominant in young leaves.

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