
Pale-flowered licorice (Glycyrrhiza pallidiflora Maxim.) is the pea family (Fabaceae) perennial herb. It is a Russian Far East endemic. Pale-flowered licorice refers to the false (not sweet) licorice section (Pseudoglycyrrhiza Krug.), which do not accumulate glycyrrhizin derivatives. The G. pallidiflora successful introduction has been carried out over the past 5 years in the “Apothecary garden” territory, FRC UUH SB RAS, Kemerovo. Phytochemical studies screening biologically active compounds main classes of the plant aerial part confirmed the presence of a complex of phenolic compounds. The content of catechin derivatives and condensed-type tannins - proanthocyanidins (PAC) data in G. pallidiflora herb were obtained for the first time. In different years of cultivation, licorice herb accumulates phenolic compounds - up to 2.83 ± 0.22% in terms of gallic acid, flavonoids - up to 2.44 ± 0.03% in terms of rutin and PAC in terms of cyanidine chloride - up to 2.61 ± 0.11%. It was found that the maximum content of the phenolic compounds and PAC sum was observed in the herb for 4 years development. The greatest number of flavonoids accumulates in the herb harvested in the 3rd year of cultivation. A positive significant linear relation was found between antioxidant activity (AOA) and the total phenolic compounds and PAC content (r≥0.98). Considering that BAC with IC values ≤ 50 μg / ml in the DPPH assay refer to active antioxidant’s licorice herb can be classified as a plant with high antioxidant potential. It was found that the iron chelating activity of the G. pallidiflora herb is in direct dependence (r≥0.94) on the content of flavonoids. The obtained results demonstrate the importance of further study of this plant as a source of BAC, including plant antioxidants.

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