
We investigate the bifurcation phenomena and the change in phase space structure connected with the transition from regular to chaotic scattering in classical systems with unbounded dynamics. The regular systems discussed in this paper are integrable ones in the sense of Liouville, possessing a degenerated unstable periodic orbit at infinity. By means of a McGehee transformation the degeneracy can be removed and the usual Melnikov method is applied to predict homoclinic crossings of stable and unstable manifolds for the perturbed system. The chosen examples are the perturbed radial Kepler problem and two kinetically coupled Morse oscillators with different potential parameters which model the stretching dynamics in ABC molecules. The calculated subharmonic and homoclinic Melnikov functions can be used to prove the existence of chaotic scattering and of elliptic and hyperbolic periodic orbits, to calculate the width of the main stochastic layer and of the resonances, and to predict the range of initial conditions where singularities in the scattering function are found. In the second example the value of the perturbation parameter at which channel transitions set in is calculated. The theoretical results are supplemented by numerical experiments.

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