
We study the nature of the phase diagram of three-dimensional lattice models in the presence of non-Abelian gauge symmetries. In particular, we consider a paradigmatic model for the Higgs mechanism, lattice scalar chromodynamics with N_{f} flavors, characterized by a non-Abelian SU(N_{c}) gauge symmetry. For N_{f}≥2 (multiflavor case), it presents two phases separated by a transition line where a gauge-invariant order parameter condenses, being associated with the breaking of the residual global symmetry after gauging. The nature of the phase transition line is discussed within two field-theoretical approaches, the continuum scalar chromodynamics, and the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson (LGW) Φ^{4} approach based on a gauge-invariant order parameter. Their predictions are compared with simulation results for N_{f}=2, 3 and N_{c}=2-4. The LGW approach turns out to provide the correct picture of the critical behavior at the transitions between the two phases.


  • Local gauge symmetries are key features of theories describing fundamental interactions [1] and emerging phenomena in condensed matter physics [2]

  • We study the nature of the phase diagram of three-dimensional lattice models in the presence of nonAbelian gauge symmetries

  • The nature of the phase transition line is discussed within two field-theoretical approaches, the continuum scalar chromodynamics, and the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson (LGW) Φ4 approach based on a gauge-invariant order parameter

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Published by the American Physical Society

Variance with systems that only have global symmetries, there is not a unique natural effective theory for the transition. One may consider a Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson (LGW) Φ4 theory based on a gauge-invariant order-parameter field with the global symmetry of the model [15,23]. While in the first approach the gauge symmetry is still present in the effective model, in the second one, gauge invariance does not play a particular role besides fixing the order parameter. The natural order parameter is the operator Qfxg defined in Eq (3) This is a nontrivial assumption, as it postulates that gauge fields do not play a relevant role in the effective theory of the critical modes. Summarizing, the LGW approach based on a gaugeinvariant order parameter predicts that continuous transitions only occur for Nf 1⁄4 2. GðpÞ x eip·xGðxÞ and pm 1⁄4 ð2π=L; 0; 0Þ

We also consider the Binder parameter
Rξ β
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