
Recently, the increase of endocrine diseases is observed worldwide. Diabetes mellitus and thyroid gland pathologies are the most widespread. Endocrine diseases can be acute or chronic. In some cases, they are life threatening.There are different reasons of thyroid gland pathologies development. Both poor nutrition and poor quality water use, and unfavorable environmental conditions, including radiation, are among them. Iodine deficiency is determined to be one of the main reasons of these diseases.Aim. Determination of the pharmacotherapeutic directions of iodine herbal remedies use for different groups of thyroid diseases treatment.Methods. Thyroid stimulating action determination (primary screening and model pathology) has been carried out by the method of “goiter reaction” in rats at the Central Scientific-Research Laboratory of National University of Pharmacy. Determination of thyroid hormone blood level in rats has been carried out at the Laboratory of Radioactive Endocrinology of the State Institution “Grigoriev Institute for medical Radiology NAMS of Ukraine”.Results. According to the research results generalization, correctness of developed algorithms was confirmed; peculiarities of the influence on pathological processes in thyroid, and prospects of implementation and use of herbs and herbal remedies for thyroid diseases prevention and treatment were determined.Conclusion. Obtained experimental data are actual for the modern medicine, and new scientific research, specifying their place in etiology, pathogenesis and peculiarities of clinical course of many diseases, will improve the efficiency of treatment and prevention of thyroid diseases


  • The increase of endocrine diseases is observed worldwide

  • Determination of the pharmacotherapeutic directions of iodine herbal remedies use for different groups of thyroid diseases treatment

  • Obtained experimental data are actual for the modern medicine

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The increase of endocrine diseases is observed worldwide. Diabetes mellitus and thyroid gland pathologies are the most widespread. Шляхом узагальнення та аналізу власних експериментальних даних, які включали фітохімічні та фармакологічні дослідження ЛРС та субстанцій на її основі, визначено та обґрунтовано можливості застосування йодовмісних лікарських рослин при захворюваннях ЩЗ. Обґрунтований вибір ЛРС як об’єктів дослідження був обумовлений хімічним складом сировини, перш за все речовинами, що мають першочергове значення для профілактики і лікування захворювань ЩЗ, – йодовмісні сполуки, поліфенольні сполуки, макро- і мікроелементи тощо.

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