
Aim. To study the role of plasma redox potential reduction in the development of endothelial dysfunction (ED) among patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) and to investigate the potential of its pharmacological correction. Material and methods. This randomised cohort study included 73 patients with CHF, due to coronary heart disease (CHD) and arterial hypertension. Mean age of the participants was 59,2±5,9 years. Functional Class (FC) I CHF was registered in 9 patients, FC II CHF in 21, FC III CHF in 23, and FC IV CHF in 11. After the baseline examination, all participants were randomised into two groups. The main group (MG) received standard therapy plus adenocin (2 ampoules in 70 ml 5% glucose, intravenously) for 10 days. Results. For the first time, the dynamics of redox potential and total pyridine nucleotide levels was assessed in relation to the FC of ischemic CHF. Redox potential reduction preceded the changes in the total pyridine nucleotide levels. In contrast to standard therapy, adenocin increased plasma redox potential and endothelial growth factor levels, while reducing endothelin-1 concentrations and NADPH oxidase activity. Conclusion. Combination therapy with adenocin – a unique medication of reduced NAD form, cardiac glycoside, and inosine, in contrast to standard treatment, significantly increased cellular redox potential in CHF, which could play an important role in angiogenesis stimulation and reverse endothelial remodelling.


  • Combination therapy with adenocin – a unique medication of reduced NAD form, cardiac glycoside, and inosine, in contrast to standard treatment, significantly increased cellular redox potential in chronic heart failure (CHF), which could play an important role in angiogenesis stimulation and reverse endothelial remodelling

  • Dependent cardiac myocyte cell death during heart failure is mediated by NAD+ depletion and reduced Sir2α deacetylase activity

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Ишемическая болезнь сердца

Фармакокоррекции редокс-потенциала плазмы и дисфункции эндотелия при сердечной недостаточности, обусловленной ишемической болезнью сердца. Впервые содержащим восстановленную форму НАД, в сочетании с сердечным гликозидом и инозином, в отличие от традиционной терапии, существенно повышает редокс-потенциал клетки при ХСН, что может иметь большое значение в стимуляции ангиогенеза и деремоделирования эндотелия. Combination therapy with adenocin – a unique medication of reduced NAD form, cardiac glycoside, and inosine, in contrast to standard treatment, significantly increased cellular redox potential in CHF, which could play an important role in angiogenesis stimulation and reverse endothelial remodelling. По данным Европейского исследования EUROHEART FAILURE II, Американского регистра ADHERE (Acute Decompensated Hеart Failure National Registry) и OPTIMISE-HF (Organized Program To Initiate Lifesaving Treatment in Hospitalized Patients with Heart Failure) ИБС встречается у ~ 62 % больных c ХСН, АГ – у 68 %, МА у > 40 %, СД – у трети, хроническая болезнь почек (ХБП) – у 20 % [18]. Целью настоящей работы было исследование взаимосвязи между уровнем редокс-потенциала плазмы и выраженностью дисфункции эндотелия с ФК ХСН, обусловленной ИБС, а также исследование фармакотерапевтической коррекции этих нарушений

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