
The goal. Тo analyze the features of treatment and medical expenses in children hospitalized for acute community-acquired pneumonia. Materials and methods. The study analyzed medical records and examined 51 children aged 2 to 17 months hospitalized for pneumonia. In patients studied clinical symptoms, severity, structure and duration of basic treatment measures, their cost. Results. The duration of inpatient treatment was 13.3±0.62 days with subsequent outpatient treatment and rehabilitation. Antibiotics, antipyretics, antihistamines, mucolytics and corticosteroid hormones were used in the treatment. The total cost of treatment for one case averaged 2346.9±145.7 hryvnias. The most expensive were the costs of antibiotics, and the cheapest - the antipyretics. Given the community-acquired nature of the process, the initial use of third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins was irrational and significantly increased the cost of treatment. Conclusions. The introduction of a new model of medicine focuses on the optimization of treatment tactics and the rational choice of antibiotics for acute community-acquired pneumonia. In antibacterial therapy is still inadequate, from a clinical and economic point of view, the choice of drugs. In the treatment of this disease, the role of pathogenetic therapy to restore the processes of mucociliary clearance and prevention of dysbiosis on the background of the use of antibiotics has increased.


  • Тo analyze the features of treatment and medical expenses in children hospitalized for acute community-acquired pneumonia

  • The study analyzed medical records and examined 51 children aged 2 to 17 months hospitalized for pneumonia

  • Antibiotics, antipyretics, antihistamines, mucolytics and corticosteroid hormones were used in the treatment

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Ключові слова: діти, позалікарняна пневмонія, лікування, антибіотики, вартість. Мета роботи – проаналізувати фармако-економічні особливості лікування та витрат на медичні засоби у дітей, госпіталізованих з приводу гострих позалікарняних пневмоній. Загальна вартість витрат на лікування одного випадка склала у середньому (2346,9±145,7) гривень.

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