
Sneha Kalpana refers to the pharmaceutical process of preparing oleaginous medicaments from substances like Kalka(paste), Kwatha(decoction), and Drava dravyas(liquids) in specific proportions. This involves subjecting them to a unique heating pattern and duration to meet specific pharmaceutical parameters tailored to therapeutic needs. "Ksheeravidaryadi Taila" is one such preparation mentioned in the "Anagatabhada Pratisheda Adhyaya" from Sushruta Samhita. It treats diseases through daily regimes like Shiro Abhyanga, particularly for addressing head lice infestations. The oil was meticulously prepared using the bases of Narikela Taila (Sample-A) and Karanja Taila (Sample-B). Both samples were then studied analytically. Analytical values for Sample A fell within permissible limits. However, Sample B exhibited elevated acid and peroxide values (38.99) and peroxide values (20.75), surpassing normal limits and indicating potential issues with oxidative deterioration and shelf life. Sample B's saponification value was higher than Sample A's, suggesting a faster absorption rate. The oil ingredients, characterized by Tikta and Katu rasas, Ushna veerya, and anti-parasitic properties, suggest potential effectiveness against head lice. Karanja Taila, with its specific properties like Krimigna, Kandugna, Ushna, and Teekshna, traditionally used in skin disorders, may enhance the oil's efficacy in treating head lice.

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