
Rasasindura prepared by using Kupipakwa rasayana is a unique traditional pharmaceutical preparation wherein the drug is prepared in a glass bottle called Kupi and the processing is done in a Bhatti (traditional furnace) with a gradual rise in temperature. According to classical tests the enhancement of therapeutic activities is found in Shadgunajarita Rasasindura when compared with Samagunajarita Rasa Sindura. To understand this, change in the pharmaceutical preparation of both prepared formulation have to be studied. During the preparation, 72 hours are taken for Samagunakajjali and 120 hours are taken for Shadgunakajjali preparation and Samaguna Rasasindura prepared by Kupipakwa method took 20 hours. Shadguna Rasasindura was prepared by Kupipakwa method in 38 hours, Samaguna balijarita Rasasindur was prepared with equal quantities of Parada and Gandhaka by Kupipaka method in 20 hours. Shadguna balijarita Rasasindur was prepared using one part of Parada and six parts of Gandhaka by Kupipaka method in 38 hours. Compared to Samaguna Rasasindur preparation, in Shadguna Rasasindur preparation, fuming and flaming stage lasts for longer period. Compound formation in Shadguna Rasasindura was delayed than Samagun Rasasindura. The temperature between 600oC to 650oC for Samaguna Rasasindura and 650°C to 800°C was required for Shadguna Rasasindura for preparation. Preparation of Samaguna balijarita Rasasindur was easier and yield was also more compared to Shadguna balijarita Rasasindur. From the pharmaceutical point of view, there was much difference between Samaguna and Shadguna balijarita Rasasindura. Difference was there in the ratio of ingredients, total duration of heat and quantity of yield. In case of Samaguna balijarita Rasasindura, duration of Paka was less but the yield was more and in Shadguna balijarita Rasasindura duration of heat was more but yield was less.

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