
Ayurvedic medicines have witnessed a surge in global popularity for treating various ailments. The global focus is on the phytochemical and pharmacological analysis of herbal products. Guggulu (Commiphora wightii), a commonly used herbal drug, is renowned for its anti-inflammatory, anti-hyperlipidemic, and cardio-protective properties. Among various Guggulu formulations, Nirgundi Guggulu, a notable formulation described in "Rasendra Sara Sangraha" Vata Roga chapter, is indicated for treating Vata Roga, Sannipataj Roga, and Mandal Kustha. Its ingredients, Shuddha Guggulu (Commiphora wightii) and Nirgundi root (Vitex negundo), undergo pharmaceutical procedures such as Shodhana and Vati preparations, aligning with the methods mentioned in Rasendra Sara Sangaha. However, no research has been conducted to standardize the preparation method of Nirgundi Guggulu as per classical Ayurvedic literature guidelines. The present study aims to address this by standardizing the Nirgundi Guggulu preparation process in line with classical Ayurvedic texts, ensuring consistency and quality for treatment purposes.

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