This paper documents the data on high-Mg porphyrite dykes (PDs) from the mafic to felsic (~2.09 Ma) plutons of Elan complex (EC). The low-thickness (first centimeters) synplutonic dykes are characterized by sharp straight contacts without visible chilling zones, in contrast to the larger (up to 119 m) dykes that have gradual transitions. The dykes are fresh, porphyritic (bronzite, Al-enstatite, labradorite) and has fine-grained mainly quartzo-feldspathic (+biotite, sulfides, accessories, ±hypersthene) matrix. Based on geochemistry data the PDs are intermediate rocks (SiO2 = 58.9–60.3 wt. %) and plot into calc-alkaline series with high magnesian of whole rock (Mg# ~0.7) and felsic (68.9–70.2 wt. %) matrix (Mg# ~0.5). The PDs show differentiated rare-earth element patterns with negligible Eu anomalies. The bronzite phenocrysts varying sizes are characterized by block zoning and contain irregular inclusions of olivine (Mg# ~0.85), clinopyroxene (Mg# ~0.88), phlogopite (Mg# up to 0.94), labradorite, chrome spinel, graphite and sulfides. The Al-enstatite phenocrysts are practically sterile with respect to trace elements and mineral inclusions. The geochemical features as well as diffusion zones, reaction rims, and resorbed faces of the phenocrysts such as orthopyroxene and plagioclase indicate processes of recrystallization and/or partial dissolution of nonequilibrium crystals in the melt and indicate intratelluric nature of the dyke phenocrysts that cores are inherited from the EC derivatives/cumulate. The mineral thermometry estimates are: (1) the parent magma starting temperatures of 1200–1400 °С and (2) the EC crystallization temperatures 1080–1155 °С, (3) the PD emplacement temperatures 910–1070 °С. The petrogenetic model supposes the generation of EC high-temperature magmas similar to boninites from an upper metasomatized mantle. The melt is contaminated with continental crust lithologies. It implies the half-way evolved magma chamber in the crust. The PD melt, as a result of ending of the half-way magma chamber evolution, was emplaced into the still unheated EC plutons.
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