
Abstract Each treatment consisted of double-row plantings 20 ft long and 3 ft apart in a randomized complete block design with 4 replications. Each treatment was separated by two border rows of beans. A hand-pushed ’V belt seeder was used to plant 100 seeds in each row. A 2-4 inch wide band of meat and bone meal was placed over one treatment row to increase seed maggot (SM) oviposition with the exception of one Captan check treatment. Orthene was applied to the seeds 17 Jun and planting occurred on 29 Jun. Sprays were applied 3 Sep using a back pack C02 sprayer with 4 nozzles per row. Applications were made using 30 gal of water per acre. SM evaluations were made 18 Jul. Emerged seedlings in both rows were counted and an avg % damage from SM was calculated using no. of damaged plants. PLH counts were made from 50 trifoliate leaves in each replication picked at random. MBB counts were made by pulling 25 consecutive plants from one row in each doublerow plot, and recording all stages except eggs. Data were taken for PLH and MBB on 9 Sep.

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