
In the present study emphasize on phytochemical screening in leaves and roots of Barleria prionitis Linn. The extract of plant materials total ash content, extractive value, water soluble ash, and loss on drying values were identified. Medicinal plant materials are liable to contain pesticide residues, which accumulate from agriculture practices, such as spraying, treatment of soils during cultivation and administration of fumigants during storage. It is therefore recommended that every sample of medicinal plants used for such type of studies should be analyzed for the pesticidal residues. Therefore in the present study parts of the herb used for their antidiabetic potential were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides, which are persistent and remain in the food chain for longer periods. The samples of leaf and root of Barleria prionitis were ground coarsely and then preceded for the extraction procedure. The sample of extracts were analysed for residues of organochlorine pesticides by Gas Chromatography (GC). Analysis were carried out on a Schimadzu Model 2010 Gas Chromatograph (GC) equipped with 63 NI electron capture detector (ECD) and a capillary column HP ultra 2. The instrument was supported by Lab Solution software. The pesticide residues detected in them in the GC were within the limits. For phytochemical screening, the ethanolic and hydroalcoholic extracts obtained were prepared and subjected to various qualitative tests in order to reveal the presence or absence of common phytopharmaceuticals by using standard tests.
 Keywords: Phytochemical screening, Pesticidal residues, Barleria prionitis Gas Chromatography, Ash value, extractive value.

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