
Publishing in a high impact international journal is like a dream come true shared among many faculty, students, and graduate programs directors from different nationalities. This article aims at identifying the characteristics of authors who have published in high impact international journals. Specifically, the scope of this study was authors affiliated to prestigious graduate programs in Business Management, Accounting, and Tourism in Brazil. The research was conducted based on the Ministry of Education Evaluation Reports, authors' curricula, descriptive statistics and statistical tests. The tests indicated that there is no significant different between the average number of articles published per author with educational background in Brazil and abroad, at the undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral levels. We found that only the average number of publications by authors with full PhDs abroad is significantly higher than the average number of publications by authors who have a full doctorate in Brazil. The average number of publications of doctors who did part of their PhD training abroad was a grey area in our results, that neither differed from the average number of publications of those who earned a doctor degree exclusively in Brazil or entirely abroad.

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