
This study presents a systematic literature review on collaborative research in Special Education. The study aims to answer the following research problem: what has been produced, in Brazil, about collaborative research in Special Education? The general objective of the study was to map theses and dissertations produced in Brazil on collaborative research in Special Education and, specifically: to describe the type of production, institutional and geographical link, historical series, identify and analyze thematic, theoretical and methodological aspects studies. Therefore, data production and analysis were divided into three stages. Twenty-six were analyzed, namely: 13 theses and 13 dissertations, published between 2009 and 2018. It is noteworthy that, all studies are institutionally linked to Special Education Program (Education of Special Individual), from the Federal University of Sao Carlos - UFScar, located in the southeastern region. The results show that the studies address themes such as: school inclusion, pedagogical practices and teacher education. Most research does not explain the theoretical perspective. Regarding data production, semi-structured, interviews, observation, use of field diaries, questionnaires, among others. As for data analysis, content analysis is used in most studies. It is concluded that the mapping of the studies and presentation of the Brazilian panorama of research on the theme discussed, allows the advancement of future academic productions.

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