
Transformational leadership is one of the models for the initial change that can encourage Madrasah Aliyah to excel, both at the national and international levels. This study is a qualitative study with an interactive analysis model on transformational leadership strategies at the international Madrasah Aliyah Amanatul Ummah Mojokerto and the Serpong Insan Cendekia State Madrasah Aliyah. This study concluded that the first strategy to increase the influence of the idealism of the madrasah principal towards an international pesantren-based Madrasah Aliyah is the strong commitment between the principal and teachers, employees, students, as well as parents, beginning with planning (RKM) using school review, quality assurance, benchmarking, and quality control accompanied by exemplary values, an effort to maintain mutual trust as well as the sincerity of all stakeholders. Then, the second strategy is to foster inspirational motivation for the principals of international pesantren-based Madrasah Aliyah which is reflected in the ability of madrasah principals who can motivate and inspire their subordinates to improve the quality of education together. For example, the achievement of madrasah principals, teachers and students winning the international olympiad between 2010-2020 is supported by the principle of Islamic boarding school that is 'The Islamic Role Model is The First Key to Build Great Leaders'. Furthermore, The third strategy is to strengthen the intellectual stimulus of Madrasah Aliyah's principal with superior international standards based on Islamic boarding school values, which is reflected in several positive changes made and achieved by the madrasah's principal, both the quality of the input, process, and output, such as student achievements in national and international levels such as scholarships to the Middle East, Europe, Japan, and Australia. Finally, the last strategy is to transform the madrasah principal’s individualized considereation towards superior international pesantren-based Madrasah Aliyah which is reflected in the ability of madrasah principals in managing human resources appropriately, including managing the right competencies for human resources through the competency development programs for teachers and employees continuously; and improving abilities through training supported by the principles of responsibility and exemplary, which are the characteristics of pesantren.

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