
Tulisan ini bertujuan menganalisis proses pertukaran sosial yang terjadi pada tradisi pantawan bunting pada suku bangsa Besemah di Kota Pagaralam. Tradisi ini merupakan bagian dari upacara perkawinan di mana pengantin (bunting) menghadiri undangan para kerabat dan tetangga untuk menikmati hidangan makanan dan minuman sehari sebelum acara sedekahan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode penelitian kualiatatif dengan data utama diperoleh melalui wawancara, pengamatan, dan studi literatur. Berdasarkan analisa data disimpulkan bahwa pemberian makanan dan minuman kepada pengantin (bunting) merupakan proses timbal balik antarkedua belah pihak. Si pemberi (tuan rumah) tidak berharap akan mendapatkan balasan finansial melainkan berupa keterlibatan si pengantin dalam aktivitas adat keluarga si pemberiThis paper aims to analyze the process of social exchange that occurs in the tradition of pantawan bunting in the besemah ethnic groups in the City of Pagaralam. This tradition is part of a wedding ceremony where the bride and groom (bunting) attend the invitation of relatives and neighbors to enjoy food and drink a day before the almsgiving event (sedekahan). The study was conducted with qualitative research methods with main data obtained through interviews, observations, and literature studies. Based on the analysis of the data it was concluded that the invitation to enjoy meals to the bride and groom (bunting) was a reciprocal process between the two parties. The giver (host) does not expect to get a financial reward but rather encourages the bride's involvement in the traditional activities of the giver's family.

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